Blindspot 115 – Ukraine = Europe’s Afghanistan? NUKE war warnings as NATO shoots at Russia & the US Builds Mega Debt Bomb

Blindspot 115 - Ukraine = Europe's Afghanistan? Nuke war warnings as NATO shoots at Russia, while the USA builds a Mega DEBT BOMB... Now that South Africa has made it…

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Read more about the article Blindspot tales of terror, a world torn in two, and phase 3 of World War 3
1998 Paris Buiteboer Vizual Diary predicting the Klein Rooi Notaboekie van die Buiteboer?

Blindspot tales of terror, a world torn in two, and phase 3 of World War 3

In one post Buiteboer brings together a number of the latest Blindspot deliveries encompassing tales of terror from both South Africa's flailing ruling party & state, as well as blindspots…

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