Blindspot 115 – Ukraine = Europe’s Afghanistan? NUKE war warnings as NATO shoots at Russia & the US Builds Mega Debt Bomb

Blindspot 115 - Ukraine = Europe's Afghanistan? Nuke war warnings as NATO shoots at Russia, while the USA builds a Mega DEBT BOMB... Now that South Africa has made it…

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Read more about the article Blindspot tales of terror, a world torn in two, and phase 3 of World War 3
1998 Paris Buiteboer Vizual Diary predicting the Klein Rooi Notaboekie van die Buiteboer?

Blindspot tales of terror, a world torn in two, and phase 3 of World War 3

In one post Buiteboer brings together a number of the latest Blindspot deliveries encompassing tales of terror from both South Africa's flailing ruling party & state, as well as blindspots…

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Read more about the article Blindspot 48 – Thanks NATO! Libya (still) at war 11 years after bombing it in the name of the ‘Right to Protect’ R2P
Screenshot from the Summarily sent to a convenient GULAG, closer to you than you might think, Edosipe .004...

Blindspot 48 – Thanks NATO! Libya (still) at war 11 years after bombing it in the name of the ‘Right to Protect’ R2P

Thanks NATO! Libya (still) at war 11 years after bombing it in the name of the 'Right to Protect' R2P Blindspot #048I - What happened in Tripoli?II - Back to…

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