Read more about the article Blindspot #022 – Transhumanism exposed: Credo Mutwa warns against Robocops & Autopilot’s disease
Ancient creature captured in statue by Credo Mutwa, at the Credo Mutwa Cultural Village, Soweto

Blindspot #022 – Transhumanism exposed: Credo Mutwa warns against Robocops & Autopilot’s disease

To view Blindspot #022 click through here to visit the BuiteboerBlindspot channel on Rumble Click on the image below to find out more about Searching for Madness in the Method,…

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Read more about the article The original stories that got Coup d’état in the Land of Zep Tepi – A Progress Report, book moving
Buiteboer surveillance - view of DRC, across Lake Mwitanzige @ sunset

The original stories that got Coup d’état in the Land of Zep Tepi – A Progress Report, book moving

How two stories, one from Uganda, and the other from Mozambique, inspired the Zep Tepi Coup project Stairways to Zep Tepi - the mystery of the Bachwezi people's disappearance into…

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