RISK RECONSIDERED in a time of turbulence & systemic disequilibrium
Buiteboer Solutions
<< Risk Reconsidered >> Strategic solutions developed and delivered by Dr Petrus de Kock // BuiteboerTM
Risk Reconsidered strategic solutions, shows how assumptions that informed strategy going into the year 2020, were proved incorrect, and irrelevant, due to the devastating impact a global health pan(dem)ic had, and continues to have, on humans, locked down nations, and the global market. Turbulent change and uncertainty abound.
- Risk Reconsidered shares strategic local, regional- and global systemic environment analysis that no business, board and policy maker can do without in a period of protracted global uncertainty, and intensified internal economic, societal, and political tensions.
- Risk Reconsidered analysis platform, and briefings cut through the noise to deliver strategic analysis and insight on unpredictable conditions of change that force individuals and leaders to make uninformed, haphazard, or fear-inspired decisions in environments beset with asymmetric risks threatening the systemic status quo.
Risk Reconsidered helps you better engage with conditions of non-marginal change, systemic instability, and is relevant for just about anyone alive in a period of turbulent change, and asymmetric risks in a volatile world.
Risk Reconsidered talks, briefings, and strategic solutions, developed by Dr Petrus de Kock. He has, in different capacities, created, led, and delivered on multiple private- and public sector social, political risk, policy, economic, peace & security, and resource extraction-related projects. Petrus straddles many worlds, and has actively deployed strategic projects in more than thirty African markets. He understands the African- and Emerging World realities, from their busy pavements, all the way up to the highest offices in the land.
The Risk Reconsidered solutions are also drawn from nearly a decade of experience he has as General Manager for Research in an SOE located in the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa, and form insights in his new book – Searching for Madness in the Method – this is not a survival guide to Autopilot’s Disease and the Turbulent Twenties of the twenty-First century.
Explore how the Risk Reconsidered solution can be tailored to your needs!
Email – buiteboer@buiteboer.co.za