Blindspot Special – Interview with Dr. Kingsley Makhubela (Part 1)

Blindspot Special - Interview with Dr. Kingsley Makhubela [Part 1]

Blindspot in action - Dr Petrus de Kock interviews Dr Kingsley Makhubela


Interview with Dr Kingsley Makhubela (Part 1)

This interview with Dr Kingsley Makhubela addresses a wide range of issues. In Part 1 we reflect on his unique story. At the age of 17 he leaves South Africa to go into exile. By 24 he is appointed as the head of the security team of O.R. Tambo, ANC leader in exile. This also catapults Dr Makhubela into a career of international relations. 

After returning from exile he goes to the United Nations, as deputy head of the ANC delegation there, at the time of the CODESA negotiations in South Africa. His experience from there as South Africa’s ambassador to Kenya, takes us to the core theme of this interview, being on Somalia, State Failure & Collapse. 

Dr Makhubela shares unique stories of his experience as Chief of State Protocol, for the Mandela administration. In this role he encountered the hard reality of having to convince Nelson Mandela (on a few occasions) to change his mind on specific issues, or challenges – such as the time he had to intervene to ensure President Mandela ‘shows up’ at a state visit to Botswana. 

He shares insight into how important it is to provide factual advice to political leaders, for them to make informed decisions.