A visit to Cahora Bassa and the discovery of crumbling towers to heaven

A visit to Cahora Bassa and the discovery of crumbling towers to heaven

The second half of the foundation of the book, Coup d’état in the Land of Zep Tepi – A Progress Report, can be found in this story. A few months after the foray into Uganda, and the discovery of the Bachwezi people’s disappearance, Buiteboer stumbles on another African legend that involves stories of human interactions- and engagements with the heavenly/off-worldly realms. Only in this case, the Songo people’s crumbling tower to heaven really catapults one of the Coup story’s characters, straight into the jaws of a rather complicated off-world/post-life realm. 

Originally published in The Thinker, vol. 39, 2012.